
Writing Adventures

I apologise for not adding an update to my blog on here recently.

The fact is, I have been rather busy…getting a new musical EP release recorded and ready…and making progress as an author.

The other week I was invited by the Bible Reading Fellowship (BRF) to contribute a reflection to their forthcoming book The BRF Book of 365 Bible Reflections. This is due for publication in October 2021 – so keep an eye open for it.

This has encouraged me to explore devotional writing further and I am in the process on writing a series of devotional books based on Paul’s letters.

I also continue to work on editing and re-drafting the manuscript of my memoir about living with faith and cancer. This is a big job and I am taking it a step at a time. I hope to be pitching it to publishers once again in the coming months.

I am excited that God is at work and is with me, even in these difficult and challenging times. I pray that he will use the talents he has given me to be a blessing to others and that through them He will be glorified.

Thanks for being part of this beautiful journey.

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