The Prison Letters: A 40-day devotional for lent
Paul’s third missionary journey ended in Jerusalem, where he encountered an angry and violent mob who almost killed him. His life was saved by some Roman soldiers who arrested him and he ultimately ended up in prison in Rome where he awaited trial as a Roman citizen. His imprisonment lasted two years, with his life hanging in the balance.
During this time, Paul wrote a number of letters to his friends and churches he had planted that are packed full of practical and spiritual advice for Christian living that we can still learn from today.
‘The Prison Letters’ will take you on a thematic 40-day journey through the books of Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon. Packed full of personal anecdotes and wisdom, the message Paul conveyed to his readers during his imprisonment is brought to life.
Are you ready to tear open the envelopes and unfold the pages of these powerful letters? As you do, you will discover how you can live for Jesus in a more real and intimate way.
Watch the Book Trailer
Interview about The Prison Letters
What others are saying about ‘Standing in the Storm’:
I know that devotional books are not supposed to be binge read but when I started reading Matt McChlery’s book I found I couldn’t put it down. That’s not to say that it wouldn’t have impacted me even more if I had paced myself. It was just that I found it really inspiring and accessible. Matt’s selection of bible verses are so spot on and his illustrations are all so relevant, I wondered if he could keep it up for 40 days. Well, he certainly does and I wholeheartedly recommend it as a Lent devotional. It is challenging as well as informative and well worth reading all over again – this time allowing for the intended one-day-at-a-time reflections. Thank you Matt. It is really incredibly helpful as well as a good read, and I trust that for many it will be truly life-changing. I am already thinking about who I can give a copy to.
Dr Hugh Osgood
Founding President, Churches in Communities International and Past-President, Churches Together in England
In his introduction, author Matt McChlery invites the reader to rip open the envelopes containing Paul’s prison letters and start reading. When I did so, I found the Bible passages brought alive with illustrations from Matt’s family and church life, his childhood memories, sport, nature and even a pair of old walking boots. The topics he brings out from the letters are easy to relate to and I could easily imagine Paul writing these same things to our churches today. This Lent course is ideal for new and established Christians alike to delve into Biblical truths at any time of the year.
Jane Walters
Author and Retreat Leader
I first met Matt well over twenty years ago and was impressed with his zeal and dedication. And that devotion has only grown through years of service, faithfulness, and many challenges. And now he offers us time-tested wisdom worked out in the anvil of everyday life.
I am sure you will be strengthened as you meditate on this devotional. Matt’s self-depreciating candour and down-to-earth style make it easily relatable. It has compact and digestible daily readings that are biblical, practical, and encouraging. And prayers and questions that will take you deeper and further.
Be blessed as you draw near to our beautiful and magnificent Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, who is crucified, resurrected, and enthroned in glory. He is worthy of it all!
Gareth Lowe
Pastor, Every Nation Berlin
What a great idea! Journeying through Lent with the prison letters of the Apostle Paul and along key themes in the life of the follower of Jesus. These devotionals look at how the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ practically impacts the journey of the believer. Each day starts with a verse that underpins the focus for the day, along with a personal anecdote that often highlights Matt’s own depth of relationship with Jesus and culminates in a short prayer. This devotional can also be used in a group setting with discussion questions along all the key themes and wider reading that highlights an important message written by Paul while in chains, when he would have weighed every word carefully, and allowing the reader an opportunity to go deeper in their walk with Christ. I love it!
Ruth O’Reilly-Smith
Writer and Broadcaster
Matt McChlery writes with infectious enthusiasm and passion as he works thematically through the subjects that most concerned Paul during his imprisonment. I love the concept of gathering all of Paul’s prison letters, reading them with that unique context in mind; and Matt leads us through them with wisdom, humour and insight, bringing a new light to familiar passages.
Amy Scott Robinson
Author and Editor