
Thank you for considering becoming a Partner of Matt McChlery Ministries. There is power in partnership! Together we can achieve more for God’s Kingdom than we could on our own. This is an opportunity for you to be part of what we are doing –  pointing people to Jesus. Come and join in with this God-Adventure!

Prayer Partners

You can become a Prayer Partner for absolutely no cost at all. Your prayers are highly valued and are highly effective! In order to partner with me in this way all you need to do is to sign up to receive my monthly(ish) email update and prayer requests will be included in the email for you to pray about. Please click here to subscribe to the newsletter for free (You will also get a free MP3 song download for siging up!). Thank you.

Financial Partners

Financial Partners get access to exclusive content on this website. If you have subscribed by using one of the options below you can access your exclusive content by logging in to your account. Then go to the ‘Partners’ tab on the menu and select ‘Exclusive Content’.

[ms-note type=”info”]We have the following Partnership Subscriptions available for our site. You can renew, cancel or upgrade your subscriptions by using the forms below.[/ms-note]